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So you found your way across the worldwide web to my little private website.
Since I was very young, I have always been fascinated by computers. I must admit, at first more by video games, but later as teenager I got really curious how all the hardware and software works. This thirst of knowledge never stopped so I studied computer science at the University of Karlsruhe.
Nowadays I am working as Embedded Software Development Engineer in the automotive industry.
I created this little website in my rare sparetime just for fun, so it's only irregularly updated and contains things from various topics, but also some pieces of information about me, about my hobbys, what a like, what I did and so on....
As you can see I really like coding and solving problems, in different programming language, APIs and libraries. I'm also especially intrigued in all kinds of graphic-related algorithms, hardware/system low-level stuff and also Reverse Code Engineering, but in fact everything about computer science is absolutely interesting.
So I hope you enjoy my little site!
www.sunshine2k.de || www.bastian-molkenthin.de
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